
Issue 66 - December 13 2023 - February 15 2024

Treasury balance: 867,985 DCR (approx +6,864 DCR/month) - $15.2 million (+$120K/month) based on $17.48 DCR price New Proposals Cryptopower Phase 2: Golang Native Desktop & Mobile Wallet - Long Term Support Published Jan 29 by dreacot | last edited Feb 6 | 25 comments This proposal requests a budget of $70,000 (but estimates it will use $34,500) for one year of maintenance and bug fixing for the Cryptopower multi-coin (DCR, BTC, LTC) wallet which was funded in a previous proposal.

Issue 65 - September 27 - December 12 2023

Treasury balance: 874,704 DCR (approx +7,072 DCR/month) - $13.1 million (+$106K/month) based on $14.98 DCR price New Proposals Bug Bounty Program 2024 Published Dec 8 by jholdstock | 3 comments This proposal requests a budget of $105,000, split between $100,000 for bounty payments and $5,000 for administrative costs. In the last 18 months covered by the previous proposal there has been $415 paid out for bounties and operating costs of $1,750.

Issue 64 - August 27 - September 26 2023

UPDATE (Sep 27): Now with latest updates to the status of the Monde PR and Odaily proposals, and more detail about voting issues faced by the first Cake Wallet proposal. Treasury balance: 827,167 DCR (approx +7,359 DCR/month) - $11.1 million (+$99K/month) based on $13.48 DCR price New Proposals Cake Wallet Integration Again Published Sep 12 by joegruff | last edited Sep 13 | 6 comments Meet the new Cake Wallet integration proposal, same as the old Cake Wallet integration proposal - which you may remember from the last issue, and can also find below in the Rejected Proposals section.

Issue 63 - June 26 - August 26 2023

Treasury balance: 870,787 DCR (approx +7,435 DCR/month) - $11.6 million (+$99K/month) based on $13.31 DCR price New Proposals Cryptopower: Golang Native Desktop & Mobile Wallet Published Aug 10 by dreacot | last edited Aug 21 | 27 comments This proposal requests a budget of $61,600 to resurrect the GoDCR codebase and replace its former function as a desktop and mobile DCR wallet, but in this case also add support for BTC and LTC to become a multi asset wallet.

Issue 62 - June 12 - June 25 2023

Treasury balance: 860,220 DCR (approx +7,657 DCR/month) - $12.8 million (+$114K/month) based on $14.85 DCR price New Proposals Cypherpunk Times 2023-2024 Published Jun 13 by phoenixgreen | 43 comments This proposal follows on from the Decred Magazine proposal approved in 2022, rebranding Decred Magazine to Cypherpunk Times and making it a multi-chain publication. The budget requested is $44,000, which equates to $3,600/month - an increase on the $2,800/month from the last Decred Magazine proposal, to allow room for expansion to cover additional chains.

Issue 61 - May 28 - June 11 2023

Treasury balance: 861,323 DCR (approx +7,734 DCR/month) - $10.7 million (+$96K/month) based on $12.39 DCR price New Proposals Proposal for Building Decred.club Website and Promoting the Chinese Community Published Jun 5 by cagedbird | last edited Jun 9 | 12 comments This proposal requests a budget of $2,400 (edited down from an initial $30,000) to establish and further develop the Decred.club website, a Chinese language resource for learning about Decred.

Issue 60 - April 30 - May 27 2023

Treasury balance: 857,304 DCR (approx +7,811 DCR/month) - $14.1 million (+$129K/month) based on $16.49 DCR price New Proposals DCRDEX Mesh Beginnings and Bonds Evolution Published May 9 by chappjc | 4 comments This proposal requests a budget of $164,000 to develop prototype and experimental versions of a new DCRDEX v2.0 which would utilise a mesh of servers rather than relying on the central bulletin board type servers of v0.6 (and soon v1.

Issue 59 - March 30 - April 29 2023

Treasury balance: 807,615 DCR (approx +7,890 DCR/month) - $16.1 million (+$149K/month) based on $18.85 DCR price New Proposals Decred Vanguard: A New Outreach Effort Published Apr 18 by exitus, last edited Apr 21 | 29 comments This proposal requests a budget of $46,784 to fund a “community-driven outreach program with the purpose of injecting Decred into discussions all across the Internet”. There would be 25 available positions in the Decred Vanguard team, each participant would receive $100/month in compensation for their efforts, with an additional 3 members receiving an extra $100 per month as a prize, with the additional availability of another $100 prize for a contribution from someone who is not a member of Decred Vanguard.

Issue 58 - March 17 - March 29 2023

Treasury balance: 802,637 DCR (approx +7,969 DCR/month) - $18.1 million (+$170K/month) based on $21.31 DCR price New Proposals Change PoW/PoS Subsidy Split to 1⁄89 and Change PoW Algorithm to BLAKE3 Published Mar 27 by jy-p | 43 comments This proposal is about making some changes to the consensus rules: changing the PoW algorithm to BLAKE3 (thus rendering all existing Decred ASICs useless) and changing the subsidy split to 1⁄89, reducing the PoW share of rewards to 1%.

Issue 57 - January 31 - March 16 2023

Treasury balance: 844,504 DCR (approx +8,048 DCR/month) - $16.8 million (+$160K/month) based on $19.88 DCR price New Proposals Decred Journal and Politeia Digest 2023 Published Mar 4 by bee, last edited Mar 6 | 11 comments This proposal requests a budget of $40,000 for 12 months of producing Decred Journal and Politeia Digest, with a 90⁄10 split in budget between these. Spending figures for the previous period were reported; the total spent was $25,570, which was 77% of the proposal’s limit, and it was spent mostly on the Journal ($24,050) with only $1,520 spent on Politeia Digest (6%).

Issue 56 - January 20 - January 30 2023

Treasury balance: 840,481 DCR (approx +8,210 DCR/month) - $19.4 million (+$189K/month) based on $23.03 DCR price New Proposals Timestamply Published Jan 23 by tiagoad | 14 comments This proposal requests $17,300 for a front end redesign of Timestamply, a web application which provides a timestamping service using dcrtime on the backend. The work was completed by @sænder (design, $2,800) and @tiagoalvesdulce (development, $14,500). The scope of work included a new logo and design, light and dark modes, multiple languages and many other improvements, and references a number of GitHub pull requests.

Issue 55 - October 26 2022 - January 19 2023

Treasury balance: 837,205 DCR (approx +8,292 DCR/month) - $17.6 million (+$174K/month) based on $20.99 DCR price New proposals DCRDEX integration on Umbrel Published Jan 9 by peter_zen, last edited Jan 18 | 14 comments This proposal requests $1,960 to integrate DCRDEX into the Umbrel app store. Umbrel is a Linux-based operating system for running a personal server in one’s home using x86 or Raspberry Pi computers, it has some popularity with crypto users because of the fit between self-custody and self-hosting.

Issue 54 - August 17 - October 25 2022

Treasury balance: 823,037 DCR (approx +8,629 DCR/month) - $22.3 million (+$234K/month) based on $27.11 DCR price New proposals DCR-Timestamp_bot Published Oct 19 by coinshuffle_bot | 4 comments This proposal requests $1,955 for work which has been done on reviving the @dcrtimestampbot Twitter bot which archives tweets where it is mentioned in IPFS and timestamps them in the Decred blockchain. The bot was last active in January 2022. The proposal is from whoever is running the @StakeShuffle_ Twitter bot (which has two approved proposals now), they were contacted by @tiagoalvesdulce to help addressing some issues with the bot and re-wrote the original JavaScript code in Python.

Issue 53 - June 28 - August 16 2022

Treasury balance: 809,345 DCR (approx +8,890 DCR/month) - $26.5 million (+$291K/month) based on $32.75 DCR price New proposals D.R.E.A.M. 2: Dream Harder Published 4 August by jy-p | edited 11 August | 28 comments This proposal presents a new look and messaging for decred.org, showcased on a staging server by @jholdstock. Some background: In September 2020 an RFP proposal was submitted by @richard-red and approved with 85% Yes votes - but none of the four candidate proposals which were submitted managed to reach the 60% approval threshold.

Issue 52 - May 31 - June 27 2022

Treasury balance: 800,324 DCR (approx +9,069 DCR/month) - $20 million (+$200K/month) based on $24.97 DCR price New proposals GoDCR: Golang Desktop and Mobile Wallets (2022-2023) Published 2 June by raedah | edited 15 June | 54 comments This proposal requests $250,000 to fund continued development of GoDCR for 12 months, and it will also cover maintenance of existing mobile wallet apps until GoDCR is ready to take their place. GoDCR is a wallet written in Golang which aims to deliver a more lightweight user experience than Decrediton, it uses Gio for the user interface has been supporting Gio with $1,000/month sponsorship.

Issue 51 - January 11 - May 30 2022

Treasury balance: 791,623 DCR (approx +9,160 DCR/month) - $28.8 million (+$333K/month) based on $36.40 DCR price New proposals Decred Journal and Politeia Digest 2022 Published 21 May by exitus | 6 comments The Decred Journal team are back with a new proposal. After the old proposal ended at the end of 2021 the Decred Journal and Politeia Digest have been unfunded for five months, and inactive for most of that time.

Issue 50 - December 4 2021 - January 10 2022

Treasury balance: 755,221 DCR (approx +9,820 DCR/month) - $40.7 million (+$530K/month) based on $53.95 DCR price New proposals Twitter Bot Phase 2 @StakeShuffle_ Published Dec 30 by coinshuffle_bot | 6 comments This proposal requests $1,684 for work done on phase 2 of the @StakeShuffle_ Twitter bot, which regularly tweets usage stats for Decred’s StakeShuffle mixing. The proposal requests payment for work done to improve the bot for phase 2 and to cover hosting costs for 2022.

Issue 49 - November 2 - December 3 2021

Treasury balance: 742,662 DCR (approx +10,018 DCR/month) - $80 million (+$1.08M/month) based on $108 DCR price New proposals Change PoW/PoS Subsidy Split From 60⁄30 to 10⁄80 Published Nov 26 by jy-p | 135 comments This proposal would change the issuance of new DCR from the current proportion (60% PoW, 30% PoS, 10% Treasury) to lower the share of rewards going to PoW miners to 10%, and re-allocate those rewards to PoS voters who would then receive 80% of newly issued DCR.

Issue 48 - October 4 - November 1 2021

Treasury balance: 733,772 DCR (approx +10,118 DCR/month) - $82.5 million (+$1.1M/month) based on $112.42 DCR price New proposals Decred Economic Education and Outreach Published Oct 25 by ammarooni | edited Nov 1 | 17 comments This proposal requests $12,000 for around 6 months of work producing research papers, social media posts, memes, and meetups. It is a revised version of a previous proposal which had the same kind of content but as part of a book - this proposal was narrowly rejected with 57% Yes votes.

Year three of Decred's Politeia in numbers and graphs

A look at Politeia's third year

Issue 47 - September 4 - October 3 2021

Treasury balance: 723,671 DCR (approx +10,321 DCR/month) - $84.5 million (+$1.2M/month) based on $116.75 DCR price New proposals GoDCR (2021 - 2022) Published Sep 22 by raedah | 23 comments This proposal requests a budget of $200,000 for one year of continued development of GoDCR, covering May 2021 to April 2022. This represents a significant increase in monthly cost ($7,500/month to $16,600/month) and duration from the initial proposal. The sponsorship of Gio UI is set to continue at a rate of $1,000/month, this is reported to have expedited bug fixes and supported the upstream project that GoDCR relies on.

Issue 46 - July 29 - September 3 2021

Treasury balance: 714,096 DCR (approx +10,424 DCR/month) - $129 million (+$189K/month) based on $181.30 DCR price New proposals PR by Monde Public Relations Phase 3 Published Aug 26 by lindseymmc | 12 comments This proposal seeks to extend the current arrangement with Monde PR by another year, at a cost of $3,500 per month ($42,000 for the year). A summary of the last year’s activity is provided, 65 pieces of coverage were secured with syndications to 343 publications.

Issue 45 - July 19 - July 28 2021

Treasury balance: 702,029 DCR (approx +10,634 DCR/month) - $98.6 million (+$1.5M/month) based on $140.45 DCR price New proposals Dubai Crypto Conference Participation Published Jul 25 by sz1 | edited Jul 26 | 15 comments This proposal requests funding for Decred representation at Crypto Expo Dubai in October 2021. The proposal originally offered two options (one with a presentation and booth, another costing $1,000 less with no booth), but the booth option became unavailable and the proposal was edited to offer a new choice to the stakeholder community: An optional presentation costing $5,000, plus a budget of $21,240 for travel and accommodation for Decred representatives attending the conference plus merchandise to give away.

Issue 44 - June 19 - July 18 2021

Treasury balance: 698,260 DCR (approx + 10,634 DCR/month) - $79.1 million (+$1.2M/month) based on $113.33 DCR price Proposals open for voting Automatic Ticket Revocations Consensus Change Published Jul 6 by rstaudt | edited Jul 6 | 14 comments Voting figures as of writing: 11,920 Yes votes, 330 No votes (97.3% Yes) - voter participation of 30%. This proposal outlines a new consensus rules change, it projects costs of $10,000 to produce the code and DCP, to be drawn from the core network development budget.

Issue 43 - May 2 - June 18 2021

Treasury balance: 688,891 DCR (approx +10,848 DCR/month) - $82.1 million (+$1.3 million/month) based on $119.22 DCR price New proposals Decred Bug Bounty Program: Phase 4 Published Jun 6 by degeri | edited Jun 7 | 8 comments This proposal requests a budget of $5,000 for maintenance of the program for another 1 year, with a maximum budget of $100,000 for bounty payouts. The payout amounts have been increased as compared to previous phases, to increase interest and participation.

Issue 42 - March 21 - May 1 2021

Treasury balance: 672,756 DCR (approx +11,066 DCR/month) - $141 million (+$2.3M/month) based on $209.09 DCR price Proposals under discussion Politeia: Pi (Proposal System) 2021 Q3 Published Apr 28 by lukebp | 2 comments This proposal requests $118K to fund Backend ($64K) and Frontend ($54K) development of Politeia - it outlines a set of deliverables which are estimated to take around six months to complete, but it won’t start until the v1.

Issue 41 - January 29 - March 20 2021

Treasury balance: 659,371 DCR (approx +11,288 DCR/month) - $110 million (+$1.8M/month) based on $166.53 DCR price Proposals open for voting Moderation 2021 Published Mar 11 by bee | edited Mar 15 | 3 comments Voting figures as of writing: 10,108 Yes votes, 491 No votes (95.4% Yes) - voter participation of 25% This proposal requests a maximum budget of $16,500 to cover 11 months of work, with an estimate of $8,800 for the amount that will be billed in the period.

Issue 40 - November 17 2020 - January 28 2021

Treasury balance: 643,645 DCR (approx +11,500 DCR/month) - $39 million (+$694k/month) based on $60.40 DCR price New proposals Decred Arabia Communications and Content Creation Published Jan 17 by arij | edited Jan 21 | 25 comments This proposal requests a budget of $6,200 for 6 months, for the Decred Arabia team (@arij, @zakaria) to continue putting on events, and to produce 3 new videos about Decred. The proposal provides links to the previous content generation and event reports by the Decred Arabia team since 2018.

Issue 39 - October 15 - November 16 2020

Treasury balance: 643,095 DCR (approx +11,982 DCR/month) - $11.8 million (+$221k/month) based on $18.41 DCR price New proposals GoDCR: GoLang Native Desktop Wallet Published Nov 3 by raedah | edited Nov 5 |17 comments This proposal requests a budget of $60,000 for 6 months of development funding for this new desktop wallet written in Go using the Gio library for the interface. GoDCR first appeared in a video trailer on Twitter, and when current work on vspd staking is complete an initial release is planned.

Year two of Decred's Politeia in numbers and graphs

A look at Politeia's second year